How Do I Know If My Partner Has Postpartum Depression?

PPD is not uncommon among new mothers and it’s important for you to understand and recognize the symptoms. In fact, you are probably the best person to pick up on this since you live with her and know her well enough to notice even subtle behavior changes.

While many mothers experience “baby blues”, postpartum depression is more severe and longer lasting. In fact, PPD can last up to a year and most women don’t seek treatment, although treatment is usually very effective. If you notice these symptoms continuing for over two weeks, or if they’re especially intense, encourage your wife to seek help – and then take her yourself!

These are the signs to watch for: insomnia, loss of appetite, irritability, difficulty bonding with the baby, anger, anxiety, guilt, hopelessness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, mood swings, panic attacks, crying, fatigue, weight gain/loss, lack of concentration, depression and fear. Seeing that she gets help if she’s experiencing PPD is important. In fact, supporting HER is an important part of being a good DAD (not just a good husband)!

For more information and help go here.

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