Sometimes it’s hard to take an objective look at your relationship with your partner. We tend to compare our relationships – and our partners – with other people we know. Are we doing better or worse than those around us, we might ask.
What if that’s not the best way to evaluate your relationship with your partner? Most people wouldn’t guess this, but research shows that 72% of marriages actually last a lifetime.1 And 80% of couples say they are happy or very happy with their spouse.2 How can you build a relationship that brings a lifetime of happiness, even when life is tough?

Strong and healthy relationships are ones where couples choose to love and support each other. They give each other room to grow, help each other achieve their goals, and encourage each other through difficult situations.

Remember, it’s just as important to be a good partner as to have a good partner. Many relationships can improve when both people decide to prioritize each other and learn healthy communication skills. Why not reach out to someone you trust?

Often, people stay in unhealthy relationships because they feel they really love the other person and they hope things will change for the better. If your partner is unwilling to get outside help or wants you to keep problems in your relationship secret, that could be a sign they don’t really want to change.

Remember, someone who loves you will treat you with respect, kindness, and patience. They will be honest with you and value your thoughts and feelings. And, of course, they won’t be violent or force sex on you.

Our relationships can have a major impact when we are making a pregnancy decision. Some people may tell you what they think you should do. But it is important to take responsibility for your own life. Before you follow someone else’s advice, ask yourself: do I believe this is the best thing for me to do right now? If not,take your time – and get whatever support you need – to make a healthy choice.

Healthy relationships can lead to GREAT marriages. Wondering what level of commitment is right for you? Our center’s experienced mentors can help you evaluate what the next step could be in your relationship.

Contact us for a no-cost consultation.


1. Kreider, R. M., & Ellis, R. (2011). Number, timing, and duration of marriages and divorces: 2009. Current Population Reports, 70-125. Retrieved from (Accessed November 5, 2015.)

2. Based on analysis of numerous studies,, authors estimate a median 80% happiness rate. Feldhahn, S. C., & Whitehead, T. (2014). Happily ever after. InThe good news about marriage: Debunking discouraging myths about marriage and divorce (pp. 50,61). Colorado Springs, CO: Multnomah.


Are you in your first trimester of pregnancy? Listen to this quote: “You don’t become a mother when you deliver; you are a mother right now.” 

How does this make you feel? In this blog we will cover briefly what you’ll learn when you come to your first Earn While You Learn class-that NOW is the time to start preparing for your baby. It’s not when you’re on your way to the emergency room because you’re having contractions, when the doctor hands you your newborn baby, or when you carry baby inside his or her new home. It starts now.

 Motherhood, and fatherhood begins today. So what steps are you making to prepare yourself for a healthy baby?

 Your body is changing slowly, but by the time you find out you are pregnant (around 4 weeks) your baby has already developed all his internal organs, and his DNA and gender is already determined, though the gender won’t be visible in an ultrasound until the second trimester.

 What is a “trimester” anyways?

Pregnancy is made of three trimesters, each with a span of approximately 13 weeks. Your pregnancy spans to around 40 weeks. This means you have nearly 9 months to prepare for baby’s new home, because let’s be honest- his first home is in your stomach!

 One of the most common symptoms in pregnancy besides morning sickness is tiredness. If you find yourself more fatigued at work, home, or just doing nothing- don’t worry! This is normal. You want to make sure you’re staying hydrated, resting, sleeping, and eating healthy to avoid one other pregnancy symptom-headaches.

 There are plenty of questions that parenting classes can answer but so many questions that are best answered by a medical professional. Our workbooks come from licensed and experienced nurses, doctors, and doulas but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t see your OBGYN for concerns about your pregnancy.

 For example, if you begin experiencing severe cramps which include vaginal bleeding you should call your medical provider right away. Also, if you’re unable to keep liquids down, you’re losing weight, you feel faint, or have been vomiting blood call your doctor.

 As you continue to process what this new pregnancy means for you, your future, and your loved ones, take some time to ask yourself these questions. You might even consider beginning a journal for your pregnancy to help you during those times of stress, anxiety, or joy and excitement.

Ask Yourself:

  1.  How do I feel about this pregnancy?
  2. Do I feel ready? If not, what is one way I can prepare myself for the new baby? (HINT: Sign up for our EWYL classes!)
  3. Who in my life can I talk to about my feelings or who can help me when I’m feeling too tired to do things on my own?

After you’ve answered these questions, think about who in your life you can talk to about your pregnancy. We have client advocates for both moms and dads that are happy to listen to your concerns. We also have licensed nurses that are able to answer some of your questions about getting an ultrasound. Call us for questions or send us a message.



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