After the baby is born, how soon can I have sex?

This is a question that every couple faces after having a newborn.  Pregnancy and delivery cause a lot of changes in a woman’s body.  In the aftermath of it all, there needs to be significant healing. In fact, physicians often recommend waiting 4-6 weeks to have sex again, regardless of having a vaginal birth or C-Section. This is to allow the woman’s body enough time to heal.  If you have had a vaginal tear or episiotomy, you may need to wait longer.  Even after the doctor has given you the all clear to resume sexual activity, you may still need to take it slowly. 

Remember, in addition to physical recovery, you are adjusting to a new family member, disrupted sleep schedule, and a change in your regular routine. Having a baby is not easy! 

Patience with each other -and your newborn- is needed, again and again, as you figure out the beautiful new normal for your family. The good news is that you don’t have to wait 4-6 weeks to show love to your spouse.  Love is so much more than the physical act of sex.

This is a wonderful time to find creative ways to express your care and affection for each other in new or forgotten ways.

Perhaps it is a written note, a back rub, a turn changing a dirty diaper, letting the other one take a nap, or holding hands while taking a walk that will speak love into his or her life. Consider also focusing on your spiritual connection: taking time to pray together and thanking God for the amazing gift of new life… asking Him for guidance and help in your family’s new stage of life. After all, the Bible tells us that love is patient and kind (1 Corinthians 13).

As you anticipate having sex again, there is a lot you can do to increase intimacy in your relationship. Take some time to think about how you can show love to your spouse and make a plan to do it!


For more information or questions and concerns, call us at (661)326-1907.

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