What does a young man’s fatherhood look like? Is it as scary as your family and friends have made it out to be? Or is there something unique, special, and rewarding, when a man steps into the life of a child and accepts his role as a father? There is a difference in a child’s life when a father, instead of anyone else, is the one that wakes up in the middle of the night to comfort his child. 


A gentle cry that almost seems too far away to be of importance to me causes me to open my eyes and sit up. I just turned off my light after finishing my nighttime routine and laid my head down on my pillow. All in an attempt to get much-needed rest from a long day, just to get up the next day and dive right back into the stress and work that comes along with adulthood. My wife sits next to me reading with her light on. We, immediately upon hearing the faint cry, look to one another. Each without speaking, thinking the same, “Was that our kid?” 

Our three girls had fallen asleep a couple of hours prior, so if it was, then someone would need to go and comfort the crying child. And yes I had a slight pause as to allow my wife to do it, but deep down I knew it was time for papa to spring into action.

Fatherhood is not always full of accolades and praises, though I do cherish when my girls and wife pamper me and appreciate my dedication to them. As men, we were designed to carry heavy loads and have our metal tested. Yet the things that make us great at work or in the sight of other men are not the things that leave the greatest impact on our children. The presence of a father can never be underestimated in the life of a child. Yes, we do take the blame in later years, but hey, no one is perfect. So take a shot on loving your child the best way you know how. And if you don’t think you know or have never seen it done, then be a man and seek after a man who you believe can show you.

This is why I serve and love the Bakersfield Pregnancy Center. And no, I don’t change diapers or deliver babies. I and other men like me serve to be an example and resource to other men on what and how to be a father. I am a young father with three beautiful girls. I do not always get it right with them. Yet I will not abandon my post because of my failures. I will learn from them, accept God’s grace, and courageously seek other men who will join me in holding the line of fatherhood. We need more men, more fathers, to sacrifice their needs and desires to create a better future for our children and who know grandchildren. 

I launched myself out of bed that night and into action. As I opened my door my oldest daughter, five years old, was standing in the hallway rubbing her eyes. She emphatically reached out both her arms to invite a comforting embrace. I picked her up took her to her bed and laid her back down. I sang a song as I brushed my fingers through her hair. She fell fast asleep. I got up off my knees and turned to leave. It was a sweet moment that I would have missed if I had remained with my eyes shut, ignoring a seeming inconvenience in my life. I think moments like these will be more cherished than many others I will ever experience. Thank God for fatherhood!

Kent Schlecht

To talk with Kent or one of our other male advocates, contact us here or call today.

Fathers, you matter. Read more here about how important your role as a father is.

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